A Perfect Fit

James came into the thrift store one day in dire need of clothes and shoes. He was able to find clothes on the racks but shoes were a problem as there was nothing in his size. After much searching I asked him what size he was looking for. He told me and you guessed it, that was just “my” size! I bent over, took off my shoes and asked him to try them on. They were a perfect fit! He was thrilled beyond measure and could not believe someone would give the shoes off their own feet. This is exactly what Scripture tells us to do. I was also able to share the gospel and pray with him, and give him a Bible and hymnbook. Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy! 

I would like to share this wonderful old hymn by Herbert G. Tovey, “A Passion for Souls”:

Give me a passion for souls, dear Lord, A passion to save the lost; O that Thy love were by all adored, And welcomed at any cost. Though there are dangers untold and stern confronting me in the way, willingly still would I go, nor turn, but trust Thee for grace each day. How shall this passion for souls be mine? Lord, make Thou the answer clear; Help me to throw out the old Life Line to those who are struggling near. Jesus I long, I long to be winning Men who are lost, and constantly sinning; O may this hour be one of beginning the story of pardon to tell.