I Found My People

Graduating from The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) prepared me to be ready in an instant. One evening I was at the Topeka Rescue Mission and they had to cancel chapel because the speaker cancelled. But I said, “I can do it.” I’d never preached before, but I had an exegetical paper that I wrote in my TUMI class. And so I preached from my paper. I was invited back and filled in for chapels on occasion. The cool part is that as the facilitators got folks through the TUMI program at the Rescue Mission, I was no longer needed. Now the students themselves could preach at a moment’s notice!

I taught the exegetical writing class for about a year and a half. I sensed the Lord calling me in a different direction, but I didn’t want to give that up—who would take my place? One day one of my former students who graduated came up to me and said, “I love you, but I want your job.” And I said, “Ok! Do you want to start in two weeks?”

So one of the graduates took over teaching that class, which freed me up to do anti-trafficking ministry with my husband.

While I was a student, I taught a high school girls Sunday School class. I decided that whatever I was learning at TUMI, they were going to learn too. So every week, my lessons were developed on what I had learned that week at TUMI.

All my life I had never felt like I belonged anywhere. After my first TUMI orientation I went home and told my husband, “I found my people!” It’s not just my classmates but all the people in TUMI and the direction it has taken us.

Read more about The Urban Ministry Institute.