Turn the Tide

Thank you for being “with us” in so many ways the last couple of months. Here are brief but grateful updates from World Impact Topeka!

Lisa Entz, World Impact Senior Vice President, spent a Saturday in March taking leaders through Trauma Healing Training. One of our community partners reflected, “I work with incarcerated and at-risk youth. They have all, without exception, experienced trauma. I now feel much better equipped to identify trauma, address it and comfort traumatized youth.”  

Twenty-three women from Topeka attended the Women’s Retreat held in April at our camp, Morning Star Ranch. Several are involved in leadership and hope to bring the the concepts and resources gained from the retreat to other women in our community and prison.

TUMI hosted their first conference for students and alumni in California, and six Topeka alumni represented. One responded, “We as Christians must stand up and act like God’s elected ones no matter what this world tries to tell us about what we should be.”

We are seeing the fruit of efforts to encourage a new movement of discipleship in the city. Your gifts and prayers are allowing leaders to use the Fight the Good Fight of Faith resource in small groups, Sunday Schools, prisons and juvenile correctional facilities. We believe that this movement of discipleship can “turn the tide” in the city through the work of urban leaders!  

Urban leaders long to know their place in God’s story. One woman in our TUMI class gathered two other women and they shared what they had for a meal together while she shared what she had learned in her seminary course. I am personally humbled by her example. Thank you for your generosity, prayers, participation and encouragement. May we be found faithful!     

Read more from Mary Flin.

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9 am to 12 pm
At CrossPurpose,
on Richard Allen Ct