Over the last several months, Robin LaBarbera of LaBarbera Learning Solutions has been researching the factors leading to the high recidivism (i.e., reoffending) rate and the effectiveness of The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) in reducing recidivism. In an enlightening two-part series of articles, she reports her findings.

In Part One, “Criminogenic Needs,” she lists and describes the eight main reasons that lead to recidivism, including personality disorders, antisocial peers, and substance abuse. The problem is complicated and begs the question:

“So, what is the answer to the problem of recidivism? ‘What works’ to break the cycle of repeat offending? I believe many currently existing second chance programs are good, but only when they are combined with addressing the cognitive and emotional factors that lead to criminal behavior in the first place and that encourage individual behavior changes.”

To solve such an overwhelming societal stronghold like recidivism, we must identify the source, and LaBarbera’s research is a clarifying stride in the right direction. Click here to read the full article.