A Purpose For Her Pain: Shampayne

Shampayne’s earliest memory was when she was raped at three years old. Adding insult to injury, her church-going foster family also abused her. Shampayne ran away at age 14.

Years passed, and she was so full of pain, anger, and bitterness that when she was 24 years old, her own four children were taken  from her. Shampayne shared, “The Lord saved my children from me. That woke me up.”

She revisited the church that hurt her so long ago to meet with the pastor. He grieved the abuse she had experienced and pointed her to Christ explaining that people hurt her – not Jesus. This was the beginning of healing in Shampayne’s relationship with Jesus Christ.

Her new church family witnessed a radiant transformation. She restored her relationship with her children and discovered a calling to preach.

Her church sent her to World Impact for training where she received coaching in how to be a woman in leadership without losing her culture, as well as how to communicate cross-culturally in her ministry context. This prepared her for joining the local police department as a chaplain.

Not only does she serve as a chaplain, she also is a Human Relations Commissioner, a precinct chairwoman, and has planted a church. “All of my pain, all of my abuse, all of my dysfunction, was for a purpose. My mission in life is for other girls to realize that they can have a purpose for their pain.”

Shampayne continues to minister to the down-and-out, the overlooked, the formerly incarcerated, former gang members, and recovering addicts. She recognizes leadership potential in them and empowers them to transform their communities.

Thanks to your support, lives like Shampayne’s are being transformed by Jesus!


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