A New Women’s Movement

Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Some of the most renowned movements began with a few people who had an idea, a passion and a commitment to something beyond themselves. They saw the opportunity to impact a people group or a country. In the United States we have witnessed the power of Women’s Suffrage and the Civil Rights Movement. Each of these movements started small, but grew to accomplish great things.

Our Midwest women’s retreat movement began in 2012. A few of us missionary women got together and started planning what would be the first regional women’s retreat. We figured if the men could do it, why couldn’t we? We knew the Lord wanted to encourage and empower urban women. We knew that once women of God were empowered and equipped, there would be no stopping the advance of God’s Kingdom in the city! Approximately 50 women attended our first retreat. Now, 4 years later, we have 4 retreats taking place in our region! Dallas is hosting both an English and a Spanish-speaking retreats and Kansas is doing the same. All these retreats are unified because we share the same theme, logo and retreat workbook. This year’s theme is RELEASED: Empowered to Live Free.

The Lord has grown one retreat into a movement! What was once led solely by missionaries is now being led by several indigenous leaders who possess the same passion, drive and commitment to empowering urban women. Our goal is to reproduce more retreats led by women leaders in local urban churches.

Movements are powerful because they are infectious. Like the common cold, it spreads to everyone who touches it! Our women’s retreats continue to touch the lives of women not only in this region but on the west and east coasts. At this year’s retreat at Morning Star Ranch, we have representatives coming from California and New Jersey. These dear women are hoping to plan their own women’s retreats in the near future. What a joy and a privilege to walk alongside fellow sisters as they seek to empower urban women in their own communities!

One woman alone can accomplish a little, but together, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can move mountains!

Read more from Tina Busenitz.