Francis December Prayer Letter

Greetings and Salutations from the Atlanta/Piedmont Megaregion. 

It is with boundless joy that I write this prayer letter to first thank you for your support and to ask for your continued prayers. It may have taken a while for us to get here but we did not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 

Many of you know, my ministry was built IN community ministering to the urban poor—to the lost, last, least, left over, left out, and left behind. Over the years, we were busy in the mission fields (streets), tilling the soil, and planting seeds of Hope. Now that I am with World Impact, God has declared: “It’s Reaping Season.” 

Through World Impact and our shared vision, we will amplify our Impact on these communities with programs like Trauma Healing, Prison Ministry, Redemptive Poverty Work and Urban Church Planting by empowering, partnering and reaching other Kingdom-minded Missional  Leaders. 

Can I share with you a snapshot of what I saw while meditating and praying in the Spirit while at World Impact’s All Staff Gathering and 50th Anniversary Celebration? 

  • I saw thriving TUMI Satellites not only in the Atlanta Metropolitan area but in Rome, Macon, Athens, Augusta, Columbus, and Savannah. 
  • I saw our Prison Ministry Program active in twenty-five prisons out of the thirty-four state prisons in Georgia with neighboring healthy churches supporting those coming out of prison. 
  • I saw over one thousand, fully trained, called and committed Redemptive Poverty Workers from all social classes released in Urban Communities. 
  • I saw Revival (and Restoration) breaking out in major cities across Georgia from individuals, after they went through Trauma Healing. 

We serve a BIG God with an even BIGGER heart for His people, and I look forward to coming alongside of you and you alongside of me as we join our faith as one for His Kingdom to come here on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

Let thy will be done, O LORD! It's reaping season!

In His Service, 

Will Francis