Bay Area Siafu Leadership Home

When West Coast Regional Vice President Paul Chan first began developing the Siafu Leadership training home, he had a vision of formerly incarcerated men becoming pastors. His plan was simple: to find ex-felons whom God has called to be pastors and give them the tools and training to reach that goal.

Upon deployment of his plans, many things fell into place: urban churches and pastors partnered with the training home model, housing was established, men were released from prison and a select few joined the program. But only half of Paul’s vision was complete.

Anthony Ramirez was the second ex-offender to enter the Siafu home. He was a gifted leader and preacher, but had an extensive criminal history. At 30 years old, Anthony had never had a job in his life. “Before, my occupation was committing crimes,” Anthony states. “I didn’t realize how big of a problem my past was until I started looking for a job.”

Anthony’s inability to find work was a problem. The Siafu leadership model consisted of men finding part-time work while they lived in the house and were discipled by a local church. A year had passed and still no one would hire Anthony. His criminal history of commercial burglaries, strong-arm robberies and petty theft, along with zero work experience scared employers.

Recently, World Impact Director Curtis Flemming met another business owner who he thought might hire Anthony. Anthony met with the man like he had met with many previous prospected employers. He gave his testimony, but the business owner wanted to know what crimes Anthony had committed in his former life. This was when the conversation about employment would normally end, but God’s word had been at work in this businessman’s heart. When Anthony revealed his convictions, the man was struck with amazement. He opened his Bible and pointed to Ephesians 4:28. “This is the verse I've recently been reading,” he said. He read to Anthony, “Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something used with their own hands, that the man have something to share with those in need.”

Anthony is now employed! The Lord led Anthony to the one business owner in the Bay Area who seemed to be looking for someone with a history of theft! And now that employer is looking to hire more men entering the Siafu training program, and be a mentor to them along the way!