My Extended Family

I find I get emotional when I think of donors. It isn't just names I picture, but faces, conversations and shared experiences. Many of my donors have known me since I was a bratty 10-year-old being a pest to my siblings in church. They have been there from my first high school mission trip through 30 years of inner-city ministry—first in St. Louis, MO, and then moving to Fresno, CA.  

Money makes the world go 'round, but when I think of donors, I remember water skiing, babysitting, graduations, weddings (at mine, several ended up in the pool), anniversaries, baby showers, funerals, meals, vacations, prayer, laughter, tears, advice and accountability on this life journey.  

One donor gave extra when our home was broken into to help replace what was stolen. Another has shared no-interest loans for housing repair and obtaining a van when our kids were small. Another van was donated when our kids were older and yet another donated towards a car more recently. One church sent a group to help work on our house as mission trip. Donors call to see how I am doing or how my parents are faring. Donors have planted flowers, painted rooms, participated in ministry events, taken us to football games and on vacation. We have stayed overnight in their homes and shared in services.

They are friends who I can lean on for support and to celebrate victories. And I have the joy of joining them in their lives as well and lifting them before the throne on a regular basis. Donors are not names on a list, they are my extended family.

July is our month of gratitude! As a thank you to our supporters, please check out our 30-day devotional City Prayers Volume 2.

Read more from Sharon Browatzke.