Summer at the Oaks

We hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer so far! As you know, this is our busiest season of the year at The Oaks. Each week for most of the summer we will have a new group of campers come! The campers will be excited and nervous all at the same time. They'll be sad to leave their families, homes and cities—some for the first time—but excited for some new adventures.

Each group will have a lesson from the Bible every day, three meals, praise and worship time, pool time and so much more! Each night they'll go back to their cabins and have time to talk about their days and debrief all they learned and saw. Many kids will see stars for the first time, go on a hike for the first time and most importantly hear the Gospel for the first time. These kids will have a week where they will see and feel the love of a Christ, what could be better?

Many of the kids that come live in the inner city and face many challenges daily. A lot of them may come from broken families, communities with unsafe schools or neighborhoods or may be living in poverty. We love meeting each of these kids, showing them the love of Jesus and learning so much from them while they are here!

Please pray for each leader, summer staff, speaker, staff person and missionary as we work this summer in all our different roles! Pray many kids will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Please pray for everyone's safety, too!