TUMI Student Steve

From a very young age I was in trouble. I was arrested for the first time when I was in the 7th grade. I began to look up to the gang members in my area and wanted to be just like them. They were cool, they dressed nice, they had the cute girls and money, and they were feared. I wanted all of that. So, I joined a gang and soon found myself doing some very stupid things. I started smoking weed, which led to other harder drugs. I was going to be the best gangster I could be, and I became a really mean person who didn't care who I hurt.

Soon, I got into a fight and was beaten into a coma that almost took my life. I had a titanium brace in my left eye socket and several scars. I went to prison several times and plunged deeper into gang politics. I was one of the guys who was in charge of conducting gang business on the yard for the Mob.

Then I finally heard God’s call. I met a Christian named Dave and he began talking to me. I began attending church services in the prison and I met the pastor named Fred. He took a personal interest in my life and led me to recommit my life to the Lord. I have never been the same! I became a student at The Urban Ministry Institute, and now serve in the church. God has led me to teach a Bible study in the chapel, and I am one of the leaders in our church who assist in making sure we get our services regularly. I also have learned to do yard outreach with tracts and prayer.

I may be in prison, but I am free in Christ! I founded a ministry from my prison cell to reach out to anyone who may be considering doing drugs, joining a gang or is in a lifestyle that is not in line with the Word of God. All Glory goes to my Savior the one and only Lord Jesus Christ!